Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Food. Glorious Food.

Ran the show this morning. With food (for the first time).
From left to right that's:
-"Crab salad with curry sauce and a little dash of dill on swedish rye" i.e. tuna on wheat.
-"Brown sandwiches and green sandwiches" i.e. white bread with apple jelly & white bread with mint jelly
-"Old potato chips" i.e. sour cream & onion potato chips that are relatively fresh
-"Not spaghetti. Linguini." i.e. plain, cold linguini. with nothing on it.

And guess which one I get to eat..
Yup. Linguini for one, please.

Then, we had the afternoon off which was pretty awesome.
Check out the view with the Toy Story clouds:

And now I'm off to go run the show, again.
Must remember to take my makeup with me.. .. And my script.. ..

Have a good night, my readers!

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