Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Gearing Up.

Ah, yes. The day has finally arrived.
Having recently graduated with my Bachelors of Fine Arts in Acting from Oklahoma City University, I am now well on my way to the real world--and all that that entails.

For those of you who're reading my words for the first time, hello and welcome! I hope that something in here inspires you to go out and do what you love, despite how difficult or out of reach it appears to be.

Last summer I had the privilege of working with a great company of people at Canterbury Summer Theatre (the link to that blog can be found here)--I kept updates on the shows, posted articles, and included a few video links. And now: for the first major chunk of this summer, I will be a member of FPST in Glasgow, Montana!! My immensely long flight leaves in 4 days. ;)

I forget how many people the house can sit. I've heard 1200.. I've heard "over 850.."
But. We have a balcony. Which I'm pretty excited about.

I'm on their company bio page if you want to check it out!! :)

Feel free to check in every now and again to hear how I'm doing! If you have any questions, or requests, let me know!

"Life is short. Waste it wisely."

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