Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Most Chill

It's so interesting to me to see how people change throughout the run of a show--particularly, the actors. Usually, a director will tell you to observe how your character changes, but I like noticing how the extent of being the character during rehearsals seems to offset each actor's normal, everyday life. Florence is incredibly high-strung for the majority of the show. This has led me to, in balance, become a lot more "chill" than my usual self. I seem to want to offset Flo's neuroticism by naturally coming off as more calm and laid back. Winslow on the other hand, has been frantically worrying about her lines. She's become the worrier offstage, since I worry enough for the both of us when we're on (as I should..)

We did a photo shoot the other day to promote the show.
The Bergers ran the camera. Thus far they've bought the entire cast and crew dinner, as well as left us watermelon, firewood, and a volleyball net. <3


I look like Bea Arthur.

Until next time, my readers!


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