Monday, May 14, 2012

First Day

Hello hello!
I've settled in to my new accommodation (casting house near the theater in Fort Peck) quite nicely and thus far my first day has been a success! Did a bit of work in the shop, went grocery shopping, did a radio ad, had our first company meeting (not in that order) and in about half an hour I'll be heading back over to the theater to participate in our FIRST READ THROUGH! :) #excited

Yesterdays twelve hours of traveling was quite tiring.
Ever seen The Proposal? I felt like Sandra Bullock pulling into "Sitka" when my plane finally arrived in Glasgow. This was what I saw, when I landed.

(The woman on the phone there was my ride.)
And this was the luggage cart that contained all of the luggage from our plane..... (Yes. The two largest bags are mine.)

Our house is quaint, and within walking distance of the theater which is nice. Here I am with my co-actor, Winslow, before we headed out for our first company meeting.

My meals thus far have been unexemplary to say the least. A slice of pizza from the radio station for lunch, and a tuna sandwich with a banana for dinner. I looked like QUITE the college kid as I sat there with my tuna while the older members in the house cooked pork chops and applesauce. Well maybe I'll get a kick for this cooking thing someday. Or maybe not. Maybe I can just find a man who'll cook for me.

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