Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Lines, Lines, Lines.

CHAD: Folks, I've seen this before -- broken-down jukes, broken-down people---unsatisfied women. Looks like I got here just in time.

LORRAINE: Gosh, I never saw a boy in uniform before. You look like you just stepped out of a movie or something. Do you like movies? I do. What kind? I like musicals. I'm Lorraine. What's your name?

SANDRA: Okay, tour's over. Excuse me.
CHAD: Whoa, where you goin'?
SANDRA: Are you standing over there?
SANDRA: Then that's where I'm going.

DEAN: I just have to tell you something. Can I tell you something?
LORRAINE: I guess it depends what it is.
DEAN: I think you're really, really, really pretty.
LORRAINE: Okay, you can tell me that.

DEAN: Your mother scared me.
LORRAINE: Well that's not the worst of it--she absolutely forbids us to be together!
DEAN: And my mother would forbid it too!
LORRAINE: And so would society!
DEAN: And my school!

DENNIS: Oh, hi, Miss Sandra. Have you seen my best friend Chad?
SANDRA: By Chad, do you mean that guitar-playing caveman with the libido of an Italian soccer team?
DENNIS: That sounds like him.
SANDRA: He's right behind me.

DENNIS: Hey, Chad, would you like some advice?...I think you're going about gettin' Miss Sandra all wrong. A woman like that--you've got to massage her intellect.
CHAD: Massage her what?

MATILDA: That rock 'n roll rebel is dangerous. You know why? Because he's good-looking. Evil is always attractive. But he can't fool me!

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