Monday, June 4, 2012

Health Nut

For those of you who know me well, you know that I'm a bit of a health nut--in my own way. I opt out of cheese on sandwiches, avoid sugary sodas, and try to avoid breads with refined white flour when I can. That doesn't mean that I don't know how to enjoy a good ice cream bar or frappuccino--but I've noticed that eating healthier does.. in fact.. make me FEEL better on the inside.

Lucky for me, I've been rooming with ANOTHER health nut this summer who's been able to teach me so much about what I'm putting into my body and how I can alter my options so that I feel better at the end of the day. Winslow's big into smoothies, and they've become my new thing too. They're so filling and so delicious and SO easy to make!!

Step 1: frozen fruits (i use blueberries & strawberries)
Step 2: yogurt (i've been using Activia, but nonfat vanilla yogurt works just fine)
Step 3: liquid (a splash of skim milk, or orange juice. water's fine too.)
Step 4: leafy green (kale is wonderful!! but spinach works well also! or avocado.)
Step 5: **i forgot this step earlier** half a banana! (to make it sweet!)
Step 5: BLEND!!!!!!

Try it. I bet you'll like it.
Just, don't put an extensive amount of kale in your smoothie if you're making one for the first time.
And remember that you can throw in half a banana (or a whole one if you're feeling adventurous) to sweeten your smoothie up a little.

And hey: get back to me!
Blogger has this awesome option where you can RESPOND to the messages I leave on here---let me know what you put in your smoothie and how it tasted--and I may have to try it!!


Today was day off #2, so Wins, Marian, Noel and I made the drive to Glasgow around 11am..

Marian drove her boyfriend's parents' hybrid Honda. (That's right.) She said they treat her like she's one of their own children. It's ironic to me that Marian & Ross B. play "the lovers" in All Shook Up, since both of them have such serious significant others, but they're convincing enough onstage. Most of the people in the house ARE in a relationship, or so it seems.

We went everywhere today: Reynolds.. Pamida.. Albertson's.. and of course, a local coffee shop per my request. (I'd been dying for an iced coffee.) We pulled up to the "drive up" window and, after asking specifics about what all the names of their drinks meant (because apparently "frappuccino" doesn't exist in Glasgow coffeeshops) I settled on an English Toffee Grenada. (Pretty much a blended iced coffee.) But check out all the other syrup flavors they had! :O I want to go back and try the cookie dough.. Or brown sugar cinnamon!!

Oh, and yes: we went out to lunch! Tried "Soma Dis"--which wasn't too bad.

The main extent of their menu was sandwiches with turkey, ham, salami, pepperoni, roast beef, or corned beef. They only had about eight sandwiches to choose from (each with a different selection of those meats), but they did have an awesome soup of the day: vegetable beef. I opted for a cup of soup instead of chips, and had their Hot Rod on Herb & Garlic bread. Not bad for a local joint.

The deli also sold handmade truffles for a dollar each, along with bottles of wine, and homemade quilts. And homemade cheesecake, of course. The cute part about having lunch at Soma Dis was when we realized that the waitress bringing us our food was, in fact, one of Marie Fahlgren's sisters. (Marie plays Vera in Odd Couple.) She served us our sandwiches and then told us that she enjoyed seeing the show last night.

So Marie's sister works at the deli... and Luree's (music director for All Shook Up) sister works at the movie theater down the road from there... This IS a small town.


In a few short hours I'll be going BACK into Glasgow for dinner at the Hangar (Andy wants to buy dinner for the company members who go) and then settling in for another long week of rehearsals. Time to start memorizing those lines for show #2. ...I feel like I'm betraying my Odd Couple roots.. All Shook Up is proving to be QUITE the bundle of fun, though. My number is hilarious--and I've got an entire CHOIR of backup singer/dancers under me to help make it look awesome (which is a first, for me).

I'm off for now. Go make yourself a smoothie and have a great day!

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